Waschanlagen > Anlagen für den Sieb- und Textildruck
Fully automatic CD development system "CD-BÄR":
- fully automatic pneum. control
- 2 rotating spraybars
- Development and drying time is approx. 4.5 minutes!
- low space requirement (approx. 1800x550mm footprint)
- Floor pan
- easy maintenance and assembly
- Drive with frequency converter for easy adjustment of the belt speed
- 4 transport trolleys with 4 master frames for 6 CD printing templates each
- Noise development approx. 70 decibels
required connections:
- 2x compressed air connection
- House water connection 3/4 "
- Waste water connection
- Power connection 220V
...Video on YOUTUBE
CD / DVD / Blue-Ray development system
"CD Bär Deluxe" with drying chamber